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Saturday, May 11, 2013

The Little Shop Of Horrors

A Philadelphia jury, after 10 days of deliberation, considering numerous accusations of horrific killings of born-alive babies as well as deaths of women in his abortion clinic in a poor section of Philadelphia, has convicted Dr. Kermit Gosnell of 3 counts of first degree murder of babies born alive and then murdered by sniping their spinal cords in their necks.  In addition Gosnell was convicted of involuntary manslaughter of a woman from a botched legal abortion after having been given overdoses of anesthetics by Gosnell.

During an abortion process a woman delivered her baby alive into a toilet and after seeing the baby struggling and trying to survive, a medical assistant then pulled the baby out of the toilet and slit its neck.

Medical assistants were paid about $10 an hour, kept low by Gosnell, enabling him to make more money. These assistants were to perform a variety of tasks including giving drugs, performing sonograms, performing abortions, helping with abortions, trashing fetal remains, in spite of most of these assistants, if not all, having little or no medical experience. 

Gosnell made millions by keeping down costs of safety procedures, general cleanliness, cleanliness of instruments used in repeated abortions, pain managing drugs, wages,  etc. Many women suffered pain from not being given sufficient pain medication because they could not pay for it.

Even though Pennsylvania has a state law requiring abortion providers to give credible information to women seeking an abortion so as to consider the risks of, and possible alternatives to, abortion, 24 hours before performing the abortion, Gosnell never did this.

Gosnell's attorney, calling no witnesses or experts, depended on a summation to the jury claiming that no babies were born alive at Gosnell’s abortion clinic, that the babies all died during abortions while their spinal cords were cut afterwards (for what logical reason, he did not say). But Gosnell employees later testified that the babies showed signs of life even after the abortions were over.  

The attorney further claimed that all accusations were based on racial prejudice because Gosnell was Black; however his clinic was in a poor black neighborhood from which most of his clients came, many of whom, having suffered from his botched abortions, were his accusers.

Even officials who finally inspected Gosnell's clinic in a drug raid were shocked beyond belief to see the litter of aborted dead babies of all sizes and ages dumped in trash cans and even in a refrigerator.  There was no need to rush getting rid of such specimens since before the drug raid state officials had for 17 years ignored complaints and saw no need to investigate a legal abortion clinic.

Serious attention needs to be given not just to the butchery of new born babies but to the tragedy involving the abuse, injury and killing of women who seek abortions because they have heard that abortion is not only legal but safe.  

In many of these abortion clinics we need to understand that women are at risk because the name of the game is PROFIT and not care for women.  More and more qualified doctors are opting out of doing abortions so that clinics need to employ unqualified personnel to make the clinic profitable.

The Gosnell scandal reveals the truth about the abortion industry which, rather than helping women, actually harms them, while keeping the nature of the procedures, dangerous to the lives and welfare of women, quiet.   As a result, abortion after Roe v Wade is no better than the “coat-hanger” abortions before Roe v Wade; in reality this industry is more geared to making huge sums of money at the expense of the health and welfare of women.

This spectacular event affecting not only Gosnell, but many other abortionists who murder babies and harm women in  similar ways, should certainly result in all concerned agencies taking a much closer look at the professed “legal and safe” attitude of the abortion industry. 


Gosnell Jury Hears About Baby Surviving Abortion Struggling in Toilet
by Steven Ertelt | Washington, DC | | 5/9/13 11:15 AM

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