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Monday, July 25, 2011

It's not the Debt Crisis; It's the EPA Crisis!

Obama is the masterful magician of our times. He portrays himself as the quintessential super salesman, full of life, full of energy, loping down the movable stairs of Air Force One, bristling with smiles of self assuredness as if to say "like to see Bush do this", "I'm getting that done, and just follow me and we'll all be in happy land together".  He talks to the assembled devotees who applaud his every word, his every smile, his every glance, his every cock of the head as he rambles on with the confidence and arrogance of the salesman selling a model A Ford as if it were a $100,000 Mercedes.  And the audience eats it up. They love him. He's the king of the world. He knows all. He does all. And they want him not just our reelected president in 2012.

They want him as king with his queen Michelle, eliminator of all things detrimental to the American diet, (even if it puts bakeries and such out of business; too bad, no fat Americans allowed).  Why, our queen just loves our EPA, the wonderful and glorious Environmental Protection Agency, which is looking after us and creating a better world for us, free of all the harmful ingredients of energies such as coal, gas, oil.  She and Obama are creating for us a utopian world, a utopian America in which we no longer have to slave and work at a meaningless job.  We will be living in a world free, free of all the environmental pollutants that are forced upon us by rich moguls who care nothing for the environment, only profits.

We hear about his job rating and favorability in polls, dropping below 50%. And we wonder when President Bush had favorability ratings 20% to 30%. How could it be that Obama fans worry that his ratings are just below 50%? Had President Bush's favorability's been just under 50% he might still be president. It is amazing that this man can, through his charm and sense of ease, fake out and deceive so many people. It will be amazing if we can survive this devil-take-care attitude of this man, while inwardly he must be amused at how easy it is to distract almost 50% of the people and to keep them happy-go- lucky as he allows his minions in the EPA to slowly strangle businesses with all kinds of regulations; businesses that have heretofore created jobs.  And we don't see it? We are unaware of what he's doing? And if we hear about it we laugh and joke about all the silly regulations the EPA hands out to protect elements of the environment we have thought of as being insignificant.

Click on the link below to read a comprehensive article which reveals what is being quietly done behind our backs by the EPA; but it also suggests backing petitions to help our Tea Party representatives in the House.  And the Senate.  The  newly elected Republicans in the House are desperately trying to get laws passed to curtail these destructive regulations imposed upon businesses but they are hamstrung by the Democrat Senate.  They need our help!

It's the EPA stupid!

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