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Saturday, March 3, 2012

The "Uplash" from the State vs. "social issues"

Rush Limbaugh has apologized today for using inappropriate language on his popular radio show against a female law student at Georgetown University in Washington D.C. And it is altogether right and proper that he should have done so.

Sandra Fluke had just given testimony before a special congressional panel of Democrats in which she lamented the fact that 40% of her female law students at Catholic Georgetown University could not afford her stated cost of three thousand dollars ($3,000) for contraceptives needed to ward off pregnancy in their pleasure-seeking promiscuous life style while working for a law degree. What a shock that must have been to Mr. Limbaugh! Could this be the reason that he momentarily lost his normal cool?

How many people realized before this revelation by Miss Fluke that our female college students at probably (almost certainly?) other Catholic, Christian and non-Christian secular Universities are similarly involved in these expensive activities? I doubt there are very many. So thanks to Miss Fluke, the cat is out of the bag!

It is unfortunate that Mr. Limbaugh does not appreciate the significance of this revelation, and does not see the "uplash" while being too engrossed in the deservingly reaped backlash due to his poor choice of words. In trying to divert attention from his embarrassment he does himself and those who might otherwise see the "uplash" a great disservice. He is not correct in assessing Miss Fluke's commentary as merely something private which should not be addressed in public. Miss Fluke is quite sincere in stating that she and many young women in school NEED government, and thereby taxpayer support, in living their lifestyle.

And indeed we must thank our President for phoning Miss Fluke, thanking her for her concern about women. Had he not done so, this revelation would not have had the "uplash" that it deserves. That is, unknowingly, our President has put this revelation front and center in the minds of Americans so that our Republican candidates should see the need and legitimacy of making the Fluke revelation the heart of the "social issues" controversy.

This is really an Andrew Breithart moment and were he still with us I am sure he would incorporate the Fluke revelation into his Democrat-Media-Complex view; indeed into a Democrat-Media-Abortion-Complex. Democrats love and need abortion to exercise control and garner votes; we can be sure that a further research into the Fluke revelation would reveal that contraception would not just involve condoms and birth control pills but a whole panoply of abortion of all types, morning after pills and all kinds of medications guaranteed to rid a women of an unplanned fetus.

It is important for Republican candidates to reject the falsehood that "social issues" have no place in the campaign for president in 2012. Those interested in the betterment of society and getting (Democrat) government out of the business of demanding taxpayers and Christian institutions, in a never before experienced government expectation of violation of conscience, pay for the egregious tip-of-the-iceberg lifestyles revealed by Miss Fluke, must not fail to see the need to address these "social issues" in the campaign for President.

Newt Gingrich Responds to Attack by Media on Rush Limbaugh After Apology

Source: Breithart TV

1 comment:

  1. It is important for Republican candidates to reject the falsehood that "social issues.
