*********************************************PAGE ON VIETNAM AND DEMOCRATS .******************************************

Monday, July 25, 2011

There they go again!

There they go again! The New York Times has as its banner headline a declaration that this murderer in Norway is a Christian extremist. That this is not true is easily proven by the fact that this 32 year old man never had any kind of Christian connections; he was not baptized a Christian, he never went to a Christian church.  He was so extreme in his philosophy that he was kept out of organizations that were not Christian and not terrorist groups, but they did not want him in their organizations.  He was a loner who hated all Moslems, whether extremists or not.  This is not Christian.   We, as Christians, may I have more the terrible and unjust things done by extremist Muslims, but we are forbidden to judge them to hell because of the teachings of Jesus Christ who is the one who will ultimately judge us all.

It is not surprising that the New York Times does this kind of yellow journalism. They are leftist extremists who in concert with Obama and the Democrats in Congress want to see America as a secularist society because many of their beliefs are secularist. For example, the New York Times, along with Obama and the Democrats espouse abortion. In one of my most recent posts, "Wilberforce and abortion", I suggest that Wilberforce, if he were alive today, would be just as fiercely against abortion, the killing of innocent babies, as he was against slavery. Wilberforce would also be against the modern type of slavery where women and children are kidnapped all over the world to be sold into slavery.

Getting back to our Christian roots and following Jesus Christ as Wilberforce did, recommended for any society, is the only way that we will be able to save our America. Obama and his followers are not Christians. Nancy Pelosi claims to be a good Catholic. But she is solidly in favor of abortion, using any method, at any time during pregnancy. She, as are her Democrat colleagues, is a Catholic in name only.

Unfortunately there are those who call themselves Christians, perhaps even conservatives, who damn to hell those who do not follow what they think are Christian precepts. Only Christians who have a deep love for Jesus Christ so that they welcome him into their hearts and desire nothing but to live within Him and follow his commands are true Christians as Wilberforce was. This is what William Wilberforce did and it is what we who call ourselves Christians must do: to live in Christ and to allow him to live within us. If we do that we surely will take our country back in spite of those modern secularists who wish to eliminate Christianity from our nation.

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