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Tuesday, June 21, 2011

On Respect for Women Essay #5 Attractiveness

Since the 1960s,"Fascist Feminists" have done their best to destroy the good character of the American woman. Cassy Fiano in her post on Hot Air (Green Room) Aug. 1, 2010 “8 Ways Fascist Feminists Are Ruining America’s Women” has done an excellent job in describing the hijacking of feminism by the so-called Fascist Feminists whose agenda is the transforming of women to be more useful and pliable tools of the STATE.
A category not mentioned in this particular post, which is to be the theme of this essay, is the category of attire.
Experience has led me to believe that “what a woman wears sends a sexual message to a man”. 
This may seem a shocking statement and yet I believe it to be true; how intense the message is, what impact it has on the man, needs explanation. In my essay number 3 On Respect for Women, the focus was on how the man sees a woman. The looks of a woman are attractive to men. That’s the way it works; in the fallen state of men, what ordinarily should have been simply a decent attraction for a woman, could instead be a confusing state of inappropriate thoughts and desires, depending on what he sees.  As explained in Essay #3, the major moral battle in men is to control sexual thoughts and desires, particularly when he sees a woman, with the strength of these thoughts and desires based upon how much of her body and shape he sees.
Women often say (without thinking?) that they should be able to dress any way they wish to.  At the same time they deplore a man’s suggestive comments, his tendency to grope and fondle, and in some cases to rape.
The fact is, if women, in general, dress modestly, the reaction of men will be correspondingly modest and enjoyable. In contrast, if a woman shows as much skin, as much shape, as much bosom as she wishes; if she wears attire that is tight fitting and too small in all possible dimensions, men may be strongly attracted to her body; not necessarily to her, but to her body.
Women who dress in a manner which directs a man to focus on their female bodies need to understand that this focus is a result of how they dress.  If a woman dresses in such a manner to deliberately attract a man, she needs to understand how men will be stimulated in ways the woman might not feel are suitable - if she knew!
Do women understand that dressing immodestly is going to affect a man’s reaction to them, perhaps in inappropriate ways?. I am not sure that most women even understand this; it’s just the thing to do. It’s the fashion. But how many fashion designers are men?  How many are the Fascist Feminist types who don’t care about bad reactions; it’s just a woman’s right to wear what she wants.
My reaction is simply this: if I see a woman dressed in a modest way I have a great feeling of respect for her. If she is not dressed in a modest way I simply look away and wonder what their motive is for dressing so and whether or not they really understand how a man reacts.  If a woman is on TV as a reporter expounding on the events of the day, my respect for her and her ideas are proportional to the modesty with which she is attired; if she shows a lot of skin and cleavage I am distracted by a seeming lack of respect for herself and those she is trying to impress?  Does she have a need to be “now” with the fashions to be acceptable?
Lest anyone think the above expressed thoughts are those of one who does not appreciate women let me say these thoughts are in stark contrast to Moslem requirements that women are expected to completely cover their bodies, even their faces. There can be only one reason for such a requirement and it is not respect for women; it is a fear or a hatred of women because of the natural feelings of men who see their bodies. It also expresses on the part of these men that they are very uncomfortable with and may even hate their sexuality. Look at their sharia laws which show no regard whatever for women; if a woman is raped she has to have four or five witnesses to corroborate the rape. How ridiculous! "
On the other hand the above expressed thoughts do not insinuate that women cover themselves to such a ridiculous extent. Modesty requires only that a woman not dress in a way that is purely, and possibly intentionally, provocative.

Link to Cassy Fiano

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