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Saturday, May 7, 2011

Murder in the Clinic

Murder in the Clinic:
As is my custom upon rising in the morning, I read a passage from the Gospels. This morning I read in Matthew's Gospel about the visitation of Kings from the East who had followed a star to find a newly born King. They consulted with Herod, the king, and were told the Messiah was to be born in Bethlehem.  After worshiping the Newborn Jesus, the visitors were warned not go back to Herod but instead to return home another way. Herod, jealous of a King who was to lead his people and not himself, was furious and sent out soldiers to kill all the little boys two years and younger to assure the killing of the Messiah. 
What a ghastly realization! To wantonly kill the Messiah of God through the killing of innocent newborns! Who could put into the heart of Herod such a desire but that ancient and sworn enemy of God from the beginning of time.
It is the same today.
The sworn enemy of God has instilled into the leaders of today the same murderous intent to kill the Christ of God through the murder of innocent babes within the womb and without. They have paid their soldiers and instructed them to kill.
Planned parenthood, originally instituted to rid the world of inferior human beings, including blacks, hosts their army of killers. The Herods of our time in America are to be found almost exclusively within the Democratic Party. They guard their soldiers of death with the vehemence that is a measure of the murderous intent within their hearts.
The aim of these modern Herods is to utterly destroy the framework of the American nation, built by those courageous Judeo-Christian leaders of our revolution; and to do this through their design of ridding this government of any vestiges of a Trust in God, of Liberty and of a constitutional instrument enabling all peoples of various ethnicities and creeds to come together to form a more perfect nation; and then to replace it with the kingdom of a Herodian state.
We live in extraordinary times wherein the father of lies and murder has been able to fool an entire group of people who do not see the havoc, the caous and the brutal murder of innocents. Within the leadership of the Democratic Party in America is there even one who does not deserve the label of Herod, the murderer of innocent children?
This appeal I make to all Americans who consider themselves to be members of the Democratic party: consider carefully and pray earnestly whether or not you wish to be part of any organization which is driven by the murder of Christ and the modern day holy innocents.
Please read my previous article “My letter to a Democrat Legislator“ to see an example of these modern Herodians at work.

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