Here is a common sense, honest warrior in the US Senate, Rand Paul, who was elected to the Senate in 2010 and has given notice that he stands for constitutional government and doing what is necessary to bring our country back from a disastrous four years of an administration that has wrecked the American economy by spending tax-payer money and borrowed money on "investments" that nobody is able to fathom.
More and more printed money comes off the presses and is gone, flushed down some federal toilet, landing in whose hands nobody really knows. Over $16 trillion of debt and rising while singularly honest politicians like Senator Rand Paul urge Republicans in both House and Senate to stay away from the poisonous "Newspeak" of the leadership who are interested only in preserving their jobs, but instead to go home and talk to their constituents in their neighborhoods and business places about their Problems and needs to remind themselves they are working for the people and not old encrusted Washington bureaucrats.
Listen to plain talk on this video:
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