Well, what can one say? Today in Yahoo sports, a writer talks about the unbelievable scandal involving just about everyone in the University of Miami Athletic Department and the Hurricanes football team: money, booze, parties, yachts, plush mansions, sex, abortion. The writer exclaims in paragraph after paragraph of tawdry acts the NCAA threat of the "death penalty".
Now of course everyone knows what that means, right? Well... I do not know what that means except that it's going to be pretty bad for Miami; you know, really bad like dropping a nuke on the campus or exploding a nuke above them and wiping out all their communications with the EMP!
Of course everyone who reads my blog knows what an EMP is; why there were 2 hits on that post! So I left this message as a comment on Yahoo:
You must think we are all studs and know everything about American football and the NCAA and all its rules.
BUTT we are not; SOOOO.....if you even know, would you be so kind and define "death penalty" in the context of the most terrible punishment that could be given University of Miami and/or any of its entrails? Nothing worse than a writer who makes unwarranted assumptions about his readers.
Well, that this comment will be simply received with distain and a guffaw or two there is no doubt in my mind, but what do you think, my audience? Is this writer, yours truly, as my Dad would say, too harsh on this sportswriter?
Oh, and the other astonishing point, already subtly alluded to above, is the apparent negligible reaction to a really serious and potential, if not probable, EMP attack outlined (with even my expert video, made by my little own hands) in my last post "What the Blazes is EMP?"
To me the EMP attack is of vital concern and I expected numerous comments; but realistically, being a physicist and mathematician, my degree of concern is understandable. However, let me share with you my reaction to an electrical power outage of several hours or more which has nothing to do with my knowledge of physics, but more with my feeling of being stripped of control over a convenience I'm sure we have all come to regard as an essential part of our existence; no lights, no television, no radio, no music, until the power comes back on.
But imagine, in addition to the above, no flashlight working, no machines, no digital clocks, no automobiles, no busses, no trains, no planes, absolutely nothing that depended on electricity rendered inoperable - permanently; just think of only those conveniences available to people of the 14th Century and that is what we would have after an EMP attack.
Scary, but after all the earthquakes, floods, fires, extreme high and low temperatures, tsunamis, tornados, oil spills, sand storms, murders, kidnappings, home invasions, riots, fair ground collapses from high wind, and not to forget the brainless Administration in Washington doing their best to destroy this country with cries of more spending and taxing; it's not unreasonable not to have to endure another fear, the EMP.