Hungary is a nation that has suffered through many, many hardships through the centuries since King Steven of Hungary in the year 1000 AD brought about the Christianization of the Hungarian people who up to that time had been nomads, marauding and pillaging the countries of Europe. Hungary suffered from the invading Huns under Genghis Khan and especially from the Moslems who took over the country in the 1500s, decimating their population. They were ultimately freed from the Moslem invasion 150 years later by the Austrians. But then they had to suffer under the tyranny of the Austrians in what was called the Austro-Hungarian empire. The Hungarian Revolution of 1848 did not free them from their bondage. They were led by the Austrians into two World Wars, after the first of which they lost two thirds of their territory. After the second World War the Soviets occupied their country and a brutal revolution in 1956 did not free them from their bondage. This song is a song of the bravery of the Hungarians after a small revolution against brutal police tactics months before this song was composed and sung in early 2007.
My wife is Hungarian and I learned to speak Hungarian in the Army language school in Monterey, California. Our two daughters have been to Hungary and my wife and I have been there recently; thus the interest I have in Hungary itself and in its history.