What is a strip mall? It is a collection of small businesses side-by-side along a highway; from the highway one can enter a long series of parking stalls alongside the businesses and after having shopped a customer can easily exit from parking back onto the highway. Along the highways of Georgia one can find many such strip malls. For three weeks now, my energies have been directed toward helping my daughter in moving from one home to another just north of Atlanta. In my journeys, transporting personal belongings from one home to another, I have visited many such strip malls hoping to find various articles needed in a new home; what greeted me was an astonishing number of stores whose signs welcomed customers but whose innards were bare but for an occasional sign reading “for lease” or “for rent”.
While driving my favorite pastime is to listen to conservative radio talk-show hosts. One of these by the name of Neal Boortz gave a credible account of what has been happening not only in Georgia but in other states of the Union. In a chain reaction of banks required by Federal Law to offer loans to customers who could not possibly shoulder the burden of payments resulted in massive foreclosures on properties abandoned by their owners, which in turn forced banks into either failure or a reluctance to lend money to businesses dependent upon such loans to stay in business, thus bringing about businesses letting off workers, with many businesses having to close. With massive Federal Government spending of taxpayer money to support unions whose members are expected to give the prevailing Obama Democrat Machine in Washington their votes, Big Government was able to cause the beginning of the destruction of private business.
Furthermore, the Environmental Protection Agency, or EPA, started passing regulations hampering the growth and continuation of many small businesses, further damaging the private sector. The example of the National Labor Relations Board or NLRB in stymieing the creation of a 2nd Boeing Company in South Carolina is an example of government interference to hamper even large but private private business in favor of Big Unionism.
Now big government through the director of health and human services is requiring all private medical records to be handed over to the government; if anyone thought their medical records were guaranteed by the government to be private, they need to do some serious thinking. The writers of federal law, including for the IRS, and their lawyers have craftily written laws which seemingly protect privacy but in reality make it possible for government to demand private records when the government decides such demands are in the interest of the government! And not the people!
We all need to do some really serious thinking about whom to vote for in November of 2012.