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Friday, November 26, 2010


My response to an e-mail from a student of mine at Leeward Community College in Pearl City, Hawaii after the 2010 Election:

I'm not sure what your question is but if you want me to comment on the e-mail sent you by your friend who is appropriately concerned about a bill Harry Reid wants to pass in the senate  concerning the prohibition of a long established right to private growing of food even in hawaii, here it is:

In 2008 I voted for John McCain and Sarah Palin because it scared the heck out of me as to what obama's undefined "change" was going to mean.  the "change" was nothing more than the "shove it down your throat" determination to have every aspect of our lives controlled by big government (along with big business and big labor working in concert with big government).

Now we are seeing the controls that are being mandated by big government Democrats through thousands of little rules and regulations on thousands of pages of bills nobody cared to or had time to read, passed hurriedly by the Democrat maJority in congress.  we are starting to see some of these rules, regulations, fines and statements of outright arrogance put into action (as with the TSA); Reid wants to shove down our throats and more is to come, as eloquently stated in house speaker, Nancy Pelosi's, declaration:  "you won't find out what's in the bill until you pass it".

Yes, now we are going to find out - especially in this state of Hawaii where the vast maJority of law makers are Democrats who march in lock step with what Obama, Reid and Pelosi demand:  should we be growing our own food because presumably big government has not  inspected it to ensure it is safe; is the answer to be total prohibition, rather than reasonable safety regulations; it appears government at the federal level would rather take your rights away than bother itself with any kind of moderate regulation.  This is tyranny and it will stick if the people have not elected representatives who care about individual rights.

As a Republican conservative i worked hard to support good candidates in hawaii as well as on the mainland up to the 2010 election.  we were literally wiped out here in hawaii but on the mainland we got very good republican conservative candidates into congress, especially in the house where Nancy Pelosi was knocked out as speaker; it will be up to these new people to roll back these horrible mandates designed to destroy the freedoms we have had in this beautiful America for centuries.

I hope and pray they are successful, but it's going to be a long and arduous task to restore our freedoms; we must keep aware of what is going on in government, educate ourselves about the greatness of America in spite of its faults, and retire from political office those who do not believe in that greatness.  in addition we must do whatever we can to support those who support freedom and the rights we are guaranteed by our federal constitution and its bill of rights.

Here in Hawaii, though, unless people wake up to what a one party system of government can do to eliminate many of our cherished rights, it may take us much longer to restore those rights.

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