Allen West says it all! In the following clip of an interview of Congressman Allen West of Florida, Allen brings to mind what a lot of us Conservatives have believed for some time, in fact, decades:
The Democratic Party of the United States is more aligned with converting our government into a socialist (Communist, Fascist, Statist, Progressive,...) government, where the government is the sole arbiter of what, if any, liberties are given its citizens, than a Constitutional Republic founded upon the Declaration of independence, the Constitution, and a belief in and trust in a loving and merciful God.
In fact Allen states that 79 - 81 members of the (House) Democratic Party are members of the Communist Party (not necessarily card carrying members, but ideological carrying members - in that respect I believe there are many more than 80 among the Democrats in Congress today - just look at what they stand for and vote for!)
“I’m calling it this,” West clarified. “Communist, progressive, Marxist, statist, another term being used. I’m looking at things they believe in. If you don’t think we have to stand upon truth and be able to identify and clearly contrast the different principles and values and ideologies of governance here in this country, then we’re never going to get to the fact of accepting the true debate happening in America. We don’t need a bureaucratic nanny state. We need to stay a Constitutional Republic. I think a lot of people need to study that and understand what it is.”